SCAM ALERT – What services does HabiJax provide?

SCAM ALERT – What services does HabiJax provide?

Recently, posts have been circulating on Facebook claiming that Habitat for Humanity is offering free roof replacements or bathroom renovations, etc. for people over 50 years old. Most of these appear to be scam posts and should be reported as such.

Habitat for Humanity of Jacksonville builds new homes for homeownership. We do not currently provide roof repairs, bathroom remodels, window replacements or any other housing program not appearing on this website. Some other Habitat affiliates in other areas may provide these services based on their funding and priorities. No Habitat affiliate in our area does.

The scammer posts are slightly modified each time they are re-posted, so here are some guidelines to know what is genuine information and what is a scam:

Questions to ask:

  1. Does the post identify which Habitat affiliate is offering these services? In what area?
  2. Do any links appear vague or suspicious?
  3. Do the official pages and resources of my local Habitat affiliate say anything related to the advertised programs?

How to stay safe:

  1. Do not click links that do not clearly take you to official Habitat pages
  2. Do not provide personal or financial information to unverified sources
  3. Visit official websites for legitimate programs

Programs offered by Jacksonville area affiliates:

Sample post

Sample image of a Facebook post appearing to come from Habitat from Humanity but designating no area or affiliate, linking to a third-party website, and coming from a non-Habitat account.