HabiJax relies on donations from people like you
to serve hundreds of families each year. Our goal is to make it easy for you to donate a gift in whatever way is most convenient.
Give a one-time or recurring gift, quickly and securely.
Donate materials or services to support Habitat home construction.
Make a gift to ensure we fulfill our commitment to decent and affordable homeownership for years to come.
A charitable gift of stocks or bonds provides an opportunity for tax savings.
Make a tax-free donation directly from your IRA. This benefit applies to those 70.5 or older, even if you do not itemize deductions on your tax return.
Find out what items we accept, where to drop off or how to arrange pickup, and more info at our ReStore page.
With the help of companies and individuals, faith communities and civic groups, Habitat homeowners achieve the strength, stability, and self-reliance they need to build a better life for themselves and their families.
Charity Navigator evaluates a nonprofit organization’s financial health including measures of stability, efficiency and sustainability. They also track accountability and transparency policies to ensure the good governance and integrity of the organization. HabiJax maintains a 4-Star “Exceptional” rating from Charity Navigator.
We DO NOT sell or share our mailing list.
United Way Donor Choice No: 91968