HabiJax only accepts some types of Court-Ordered volunteers.

You must get approval prior to registering.


HabiJax accepts some volunteers (18 or older) who have been adjudicated to complete community service by the court for the offenses listed here. Court-ordered volunteers must get approval prior to registering or we will not be able to provide you with documentation of hours completed.

Accepted Offenses

  • Contempt of Court – Child Support
  • Contempt of Court – Any
  • Driving with no License
  • Driving w/ no or expired registration/tags
  • Driving w/ suspended license
  • Driving under the Influence (alcohol only)
  • Public Disturbance
  • Reckless Driving
  • Fleeing or Eluding Officer
  • Gathering w/o a Permit
  • Passing Worthless Checks
  • Resisting Arrest
  • Traffic Violation – Civil
  • Trespassing
  • Truancy
  • Perjury
  • Possession of Open Container
duval county courthouse

HabiJax only accepts some types of Court-Ordered volunteers. You must get approval prior to registering.

Verification of Service Letters

If you require a letter to verify your service hours for school, work or another organization, you may go ahead and register online, no approval required. Volunteers who will require a letter of verification must keep track of their hours. If you have a timesheet from the institution requesting your hours, you may use that; if not, you can download and print the timesheet provided below.

To request a verification of service hours or a letter of completion, please complete our Service Letter Request Form. Be prepared to upload or include:

  1. A completed copy of your timesheet
  2. The name and mailing address to whom the verification is to be provided.

Please allow one (1) week to provide a letter of verification or certification of completion.